
Costco Manuka Honey

Costco Manuka Honey
Costco Manuka Honey

Almost all of us know how healthy and beneficial organic honey can be for our body. It’s good to put some amount of honey in our daily diet. In this article, I’m going to introduce you with one of the most delicious and beneficial honeys of all time, so don’t go anywhere 🙂 Costco manuka honey is very popular and loved by most people because of its amazing taste and quality.

Where can you find manuka honey? well, as you might know, Costco is one of the largest retail shops in the world and it sells so many high quality goods with affordable price. They are all hygienic and some of them are even organic. so, Costco offers manuka honey that’s produced by the Comvita company. You can rest assured that this brand is the best since it has been used for ages and have superiority to other brands. This product is 100% pure because it is derived from pure wild Manuka flowers’ nectar; therefore, its texture is kinda creamy and smooth.

Costco Manuka Honey

How much does manuka honey at Costco cost?

The container of this honey is some sort of a Jar and the price for manuka honey per ounce is $1.42. The reason that its price might seem a bit high is because it is made from a kind of flower that blooms for just 2 to 6 weeks a year, but trust me, it’s all worth it. I should also mention that the size of the jar is 35.2 ounces. If you are willing to buy the manuka honey quickly, just search for it in your local Costco warehouse, but don’t forget that the item number is 1179641.

What are the benefits of Costco Manuka Honey ?

Actually, the source of this honey is literally the untamed jungles of New Zealand so it’s clearly pure and organic. What sets it apart from the old regular honey is its extraordinary antibacterial qualities. It also contains anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antioxidant properties. Now let’s talk about the manuka honey’s numerous advantages: it aids in wound healing and preventing tooth decay. what’s more, it promotes oral health, soothes a sore throat and ameliorates digestive symptoms.
Below, I’ll be explaining about these 3 factors in more details:

Promote oral health:

According to the CDC, nearly half of the Americans suffer from dental issues and gum diseases. In order to maintain a good oral health, it is crucial to reduce the harmful bacteria which might lead to the plaque formation. Even a research study has suggested that, the manuka honey is highly effective in decreasing dental issues. Additionally, sucking and chewing the manuka honey can help prevent plaque formation and gingivitis. In doing so, this honey fights with the oral bacteria that results in gum inflammation, tooth decay, and plaque formation.

fascinating huh? There is so much more to it though. Another option is to try a manuka chew, which is kinda the same as a chewy honey candy. No matter if you swallow the manuka honey or chew the manuka candy, in the end of the day, you will notice some improvements in your oral health.

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Soothe a sore throat:

If you ever fell some pain in your throat, you can have some Manuka honey since its antiviral and antibacterial effects can heal your throat and decrease the inflammation. Wondering how that works? Well, it forms a protective layer on the throat’s inner lining in order to create a soothing feeling. It is particularly useful in defending against a sort of a harmful oral bacteria that can cause mucositis.

Ameliorate digestive symptoms:

There is a kind of a digestive disorder that is called “IBS” which stands for Irritable bowel syndrome that is characterized by symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, irregular bowel movements, and constipation. A research has shown that Costco’s manuka honey can effectively eliminate all C. diff (Clostridium difficile) bacteria cells and help alleviate bowel inflammation. Apparently, C. diff bowel is responsible for most inflammations and diarrheas.

You might be asking yourself how much manuka honey is needed for your general health. I’d say 1 to 2 teaspoons per day can fulfil your body’s need.

Costco Manuka Honey


This product might have some inevitable and harmful effects to a certain group of people.
Below, you can see the list of the people who must not try the manuka honey:

  1. People who are allergic to honey or bees.
  2. Children under 1 year old.
  3. People with diabetes.
  4. People with kidney disease.

Do you like to know 3 super delicious recipes that are made by using Costco Manuka Honey?

Well read the following lines meticulously to discover some amazing tips:

  1. Vanilla Pecan Porridge with Fruits and Berries: If you wanna feel energized during the whole day and would like to have a warm, healthy and nourishing breakfast, I highly suggest you to put some oats in a bowl and add a great amount of Manuka Honey to it. Not only will it taste delectable, but it also enhances your energy.
  2. Honey Oat Macadamia Nut Scones: a nice memorable afternoon is the one that starts with drinking a cup of tea, just like the old times. you can infuse the Manuka Honey inside of freshly baked scones that have just come out of the oven and serve it with your tea.
  3. Hokkaido Cheesecake: You can add the Manuka Honey to a flavorful cheesecake to experience the joy of having a kind of a cheesecake that is mainly created in Japan.
Costco Manuka Honey


So far, I’ve stated so many upsides of this pure honey. The Manuka tree and bush have been used to cure various diseases and illnesses over hundreds of years. This tree has countless advantages that are healthy for our body so anything derived from it including Manuka honey, has the same positive effects on our health. So, if you’d like to try it, you can simply look for it at Costco since it offers the organic Comvita manuka honey.

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